The Luxury Quotient
Explaining this elusive concept is almost as difficult as truly obtaining it. Changing times often require a reexamination of the simplest of terms: what's the definition of luxury? In some social....
Behind Closed Doors
When I travel alone, when the jet lag and unfamiliar sun make me feel like a dust speck blown across Earth, one thing will happen: someone in the room next to me will be having [...]
Spring in SoCal
Like a physically beautiful but otherwise rather dull person who trades on his/her looks, Los Angeles swings perpetually between a profound inferiority complex (coming from its reputation, warranted o...
Live, not Memorex
In a digital market, a real experience is a rare commodity. With my clients, when our tiny glowing screens disappear, we experience moments of transience that feel unusual...and increasingly preciou...
Why Straight Talk is Hard to Come By
There once lived a woman who couldn't handle feedback about matters most critical to her self-image; as a result, honest discourse about my abilities was strongly discouraged. Around the same time li...
Rumors Hurt
How many times have you heard rumors and wondered if they were true? Why are rumors so contagious and often convincing? Can rumors actually hurt us? Rumors are bits of information presented by one ...
Calming the Chatter
I try to stop thinking for 30 seconds. I can't do it, can I? Go ahead, try again. Calming the incessant chatter of my busy, busy mind...finally, I'm ready to start a new adventure. I'm [...]
The Myth of Balance
Whether you're talking with business consultants, parents, or escorts, no virtue seems to rank higher than balance these days; it's an ideal championed by the earliest philosophers and the most modern...
Wiser and Better
I was 28 when I first noticed a gray hair. I'd been waiting for it; my father was almost-totally-gray before age 40. But he was a guy, and so good looking that no one cared. [...]
High Above
For starters, the pilot was not our father. This was the first key difference between automotive travel and flight that I noted at age 4, boarding the airplane that would allegedly rocket us from San...
Use your Ears and Mouth
Communication. Are you for it or againts it? I know the answer should be obvious, but I ask because some men seem against it...just ask women. We women often struggle with communication as well, pa...
Suppose that there was a machine that could give you any experience you desire. What if all the things that you ever wanted could be replicated by a machine so well-tuned that you couldn't tell [...]