
16L, Requesting Clearance

Did I need another interest? No, but I have one...ugh. She’s a 285-horsepower, 3-bladed Bonanza, and I hurtled my way through the sky in Virginia this week. Perhaps my Gulfstream friends woul....

Dream Picnic

In my dream, I was completely vulnerable and the man took charge of the whole sexual encounter. I was alone at a picnic in a clearing in a forest. I had eaten soe of the [...]

Bearing 18.30 North, 64.30 West

So it has been two years since I last sailed on my own...I’ve been too busy, sadly. This week, it was time to get back to the peace of the open ocean. And nothing welcomes [...]

In “The Middle,” Literally

Welcome to Midwestern hospitality. I’m accustomed to being greeted upon landing, but in Iowa, as we bounced down onto the tarmac, our concierge brought homemade bread pudding! I don’t th...

Love Sees Very Well, Thank Yo

The valuable differences between men and women seem to be those that render us attracted to one another...indeed, men like "feminine" women and women like "masculine" men. Fundamental....


Curry Village (or "Camp Curry") was founded by people in the education world--notoriously underpaid as it those in that world are (I should know, having been there for too many years!), I wasn....

Nature Nurtures

I spent most of this week living at the Sacred Mountain in "Own Village," or Taos (as it’s known to most of us). The days comprised an almost-study of iving in harmony with the environm....

Long Distance

Three days left. You should be here in this violent city. And though you have forbidden me to touch myself in your absence, my fingers cannot help but lie like agitated birds near the dark [...]

Nation’s Capital

The Smithsonian is the world’s largest museum (or 17 museums and a zoo, to be more accurate). I was told they have over 140,000,000 objects; whatever the exact number may be, this place mak....

The Capes

Cabo San Lucas is an indefinite place, neither land nor sea, a thin shifting strip between worlds. We left footprints quickly erased by wind and tide, built a castle gone by morning, daydreamed an im...

Evolution, Legislation, and Sex

There is a pervasive interest in sex; as any marketer knows, mention or show sex, and you’ll grab people’s attention. Whether fascinated or furious, nobody is indifferent to sex--so it fo.... .


I have grown to expect the highest level of hospitality and service from luxury hotels, so it’s not often I’m impressed. However, in Boston there is a hotel that offers the perfect lodgin....

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