The Only Constant is Change
Have you ever noticed that plans for change always seem to involve some sort of paring down? Eat less, send less, stress less.... What if we decide to approach 2020 with the intention of [...]
Castles in the Sand
There are plenty of reasons why I should hate sand. It was sand my cousins buried me in, up to my neck, when I was just 9 and they were teens, the reigning hellions [...]
If I Have to Choose, I’ll Take Lust Over Envy
I don't consider myself to be particularly spiral, most definitely not religious in the formal sense. I do, however, have familiarity with the seen deadly sins. I feel they're guidelines by which some folks [...]
The Return
The individual and national benefits of universal business education are carrots; global competition is the stick. While the business of America has always been business, the business of the world will probably always be [...]
Lessons: Turn Lemons into Lemonade and Pursue Your Passions
My family has learned to be supportive of my choices. This allowed me to thrive and live a slightly less frenetic life, balancing my needs vs. American stigma. Testament to the idea that there's [...]
Could Ponyboy stay gold in this pandemic, apocryphal world? Can we? What’s gold?
Gold glitters in the sand on a youthful, innocent stroll at the beach. Gold's the trace of a lover's finger upon his loved one's cheek, glowing with devotion and unsullied in the moment. Gold's [...]
No, We Can’t Always All Get Along
Having a 98th percentile IQ confirms only that one is a fast thinker, not that one knows a heck of a lot. Though I might quickly be able to answer a trivia question, I [...]
Long-Lost Talent
I’ve begun taking piano lessons again. I used to play well, but have all-but-forgotten after 20 years of atrophy. We meet once a week and work through a simple book of scales, exercises and [...]
Temper, Temper
My mother used to tell me to watch my temper; I try, I really do. But sometimes I don’t succeed. How is this temper manifested? My first recollection of watch was when I was [...]
Tell The Untold Story, Sir
Start at the very beginning and hone your writing skills by telling tales in short formats. Life is made up of stories, so it’s no wonder so many of us want to tell our [...]
Boost Your Creativity, Sir
Try these proven strategies to think, play, write, dance, invent, or anything else you want to do creatively, outside the proverbial box. Prepare your mind for creative thoughts by continually learning new things. Always [...]
Plan Your Makeover, Sir
Admit that some parts of you are sabotaging what the rest of you wants. Then make concrete goals each week that’ll pull your thoughts, feelings and behaviors in alignment with your desired traits. If [...]